Friday, August 05, 2005

what to do...?

the day is bright and cool and i have the rest of the afternoon off...

what to do?

go back to the neighborhood and write in the cafe?
see a movie?
buy a comic book? (oooh)
window shop for fall stuff?
return overdue library books? (boo)
eat a cheap, yet satisfying, lunch?
try on shoes? (yay!)
walk in the park?
take a train ride to a new neighborhood?



jp 吉平 said...

new neighborhood, cheap satisfying lunch, and return library books.

Let me know how it goes.

Delia Christina said...

returned library books, waited for public transportation in the suddenly blazing sun and realized i may have checked out one too many books.

i look forward to reading them this weekend.

was going to do the wizard world comic fest, but i can't spare the dough.