Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I was going through some of my archives last night – couldn’t sleep again – and wow – I was feisty and the writing wasn’t bad, either. Lately, I’ve come to realize that my postings are a little uneven; they’re a mixture of ‘hey, my butt!’ and ‘grr, the latest moves against women’s rights’ and ‘look, shoes!’ Work has been hectic (not complaining) and our fundraising season is heating up and will most likely stay there until October. But I’m sad the writing has been so choppy lately. My bad.

So, I’m taking a little break. Just for a couple of weeks. To regroup my writing and get thoughtful again instead of merely reactionary.

(having said all that here's a piece about GAP's new store that's supposed to be for women like me - over 35. I guess I'm supposed to be happy they have clothes in my size.)


Orange said...

I say if the Gap is serious about appealing to hip chicks over 35, they really could have chosen a better name. "Forth and Towne"? Sounds too much like "fourth and down" in football. Go Forth into the Towne, ye old broad? Ick. However, I will give them a shot, 'cause I want some clothes to look hot in and hardly anything at the Gap is designed to accommodate a woman with a rack.

Orange said...

(Hurry back to Screed soon!)

Delia Christina said...

i know i won't be able to resist coming back (see the post above).

and i'll believe the GAP thing when i see it and can pull a pair of trousers over my hips without busting a zipper.

Unknown said...

In the paper there was a quote in which some expert or something questioned the concept on the basis that size two women wouldn't want to shop along side size twenty women.

That just chaps my hide.

Delia Christina said...

because our jiggles of extra flesh will jump from our bodies, land on theirs and eat them.

it's true. i saw it happen.

Unknown said...

Ah, yes, it all makes sense. Perhaps too they are afraid there is something in the pheromones of the rubenesque that will waft over to them and make them hungry and start eating. And then all hell will break loose.

Delia Christina said...

there's one opening in old orchard.

forth and towne = FAT


Orange said...

"First, there was the GAP. But you grew up and became a woman, and now the GAP doesn't fit you any more. Especially for you, we proudly present...FAT!"