Monday, August 08, 2005

to see if i can, i've been writing a really crappy romance novella. i thought the discipline of regular writing would be good for me and, for once, to FINISH something would be nice. i had a few versions of it from a few years ago but, when i quit my job earlier this year, i dug them up, reread them, and started over. unemployment was the best thing to happen to this little project - whole days of writing crappily, yet happily.

i gave myself a goal - something in vague finished form by my birthday - but because i've been so consumed with work (which is good) i've had to catch up with my own writing. and, because i've been so consumed with politics, romance just hasn't been on my radar (erotica/porn, yes-romance, no) so i checked out a couple contemporary romances/chick lit last weekend, to get my feet wet again. research.

how's it going?

aack. i hate it. it's all crap. these books suck. kill me. kill me now.

(thank the book gods i also checked out a novel about a forensic entomologist and one about a gay man's wacky adventures with his butler.)


bitchphd said...

Dude, first of all, who cares: if you write one and get paid, you get paid. Suck it up.

Second of all, read Janice Radway's "Reading the Romance." It'll make you feel better about romance novels, really.

Sid said...

oh, stop beating yourself and your genre up! Just make a better romance. I have two quarter-and-third finished novels, one legit, one semi-pornographic, both mightily suck. And yet, I shall keep trying. So should you! You like the contemporary/chick lit-y ones, eh? Cool.

Delia Christina said...

oh, don't get me wrong. i love the thing i'm writing. i just can't believe how unfunny and uncool some of these books are. i'd like them to be smart, you know? to take a little bit of risk. just a teeny bit.

(and i tried writing erotica once; having to sustain that level of naughtiness was exhausting.)