Wednesday, August 17, 2005

why i'm glad i'm 35: maxim is 'cool'

Do You Read Maxim? Like to Shoot Pool? Welcome to the Club - New York Times

"It's a very cool magazine," Mr. Gerber said. "I've been to a bunch of parties they've had. It's my clientele at those parties." The typical Maxim reader is a 27-year-old male whose favorite alcoholic beverage is tequila and whose preferred leisure activity is shooting pool.

do you fear for the future? cuz i do.


Anonymous said...

Why does this make you fear for the future?

db said...

i'm really afraid, too. "cross-promotional" makes me shudder with fear.

Delia Christina said...

i fear for any future where 27-yr old men who, apparently, don't do anything except drink tequila, shoot pool and read maxim are the apotheosis of 'hip.'

they'll eventually reproduce and spread their coolness. (shudder)

Anonymous said...

...and so you know what's cool?

Can you tell the rest of us?

Delia Christina said...

yes, in fact, i do.
it's called Taste.

having taste is cool; having one's taste represented by maxim is not cool. discernment - cool. lowest common denominator - not cool.

so, yes, darling. consider yourself told.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that in a society where diversity is supposed to be embraced I find it so thoroughly repudiated here. Shooting pool and drinking tequila are just a part of an entire culture, one that is necessary to create variety and change.

Apparently though, only those with TASTE are allowed to decide what culture is.

Delia Christina said...

you're kidding, right?

jp 吉平 said...

Yah, ding, stop victimizing the oft discriminated white males, who due to their priviledge and affluence are forced to spend their lives in abject comfort shooting tequila and pool reading Maxim, lamenting their unparalleled access to employment, education, and housing.

Oh, Ding! Stop forbidding the tasteless to decide what culture is! Listen to Anon, who cleverly couches his distaste in phrases like "I find it ineresting..." Obey Anon! He is our Mast'uh.