Friday, September 30, 2005

bill bennet, shut up.

White House Criticizes Bennett for Remarks - New York Times

he says:
"I was pointing out that abortion should not be opposed for economic reasons, any more than racism or for that matter slavery or segregation should be supported or opposed for economic reasons," he said. "Immoral policies are wrong because they are wrong, not because of an economic calculation. One could just as easily have said you could abort all children and prevent all crime, to show the absurdity of the proposition."


In an interview with Fox News, Mr. Bennett said critics had distorted his comments by omitting his statement that aborting all black babies would be "morally reprehensible."

"When that is included in the quote, it makes it perfectly clear what my position is," Mr. Bennett said, "They make it seem as if I am supporting such a monstrous idea, which I don't."

but, funny, though he 'easily' could have said so, he didn't say that one could abort all children and prevent all crime. he says black babies. (equating blackness and crime and just being icky all over the place); and saying that it's reprehensible (which was included in all the transcripts) doesn't take away from the fact that he SAID IT. no give backs. no do-overs. you SAID it, Bill.

(hey, let's play the bill bennet game! i know - one could also say that we could prevent all rape by aborting all male babies. of course to do so would be wrong, but it's a thought, right? or, we could stop all terrorism by aborting all muslims. or, we could stop homophobia by isolating the gay gene and aborting all gay babies. wow. this is a fun game once you get started. thanks, bill!)


Anonymous said...

I wonder if we could find the gene that leads to compulsive gambling, and abort all of those babies, too.

Delia Christina said...

yeah. that one, too.

Anonymous said...

"he didn't say that one could abort all children and prevent all crime."

You dumb @$#!*^%. @$#!*^% being a politically correct term.

I know that you're not really that dumb. The fact that he didn't state the above comment does not mean that his statement is not a fact. It is a fact and you know it.

I realise that I'm wasting my time on dumbasses like you, but I could'nt resist.

Delia Christina said...

...and a big smooch of pride for jerry who clearly has anger mgmt issues, and thinks i'm a dumbass, but still can't manage to spell couldn't.

Anonymous said...

Dude..Jerry...chill out, man! that anger will make you lose your hair!

The whole flap about that dumshitz remark is that it completely lets the dominant culture off the hook with respect to the root CAUSES of crime.

It's like lopping off a cancerous arm and blaming the whole thing on the arm.

Simplistic, I know...but simplistic seems to work wonders with SO many people these days.



Anonymous said...

Hi Ding, You got me. I put the apostophe in the wrong place. Gee, I hope I spelled apostophe right.

Snerk. I can't argue with you. I don't know the cause, but facts are facts. Benett was right, whether (I probably spelled that wrong too) it was politically correct to say it or not.

Delia Christina said...

or, to put it more politely (and in the words of stephen jay gould):

"The invalid assumption that correlation implies cause is probably among the two or three most serious and common errors of human reasoning"

Anonymous said...

Look, Jerry, Bennett, et al:

You aren't going to get anywhere good by mincing words or by back pedaling on what WAS actually said.

Even the faintest implication that genocide in any form is a cure for society's woes is enough to get you a nice quiet padded cell somewhere.

The fact that you get your panties in a wad and feel you have to cuss out a blogger out of rabid defensiveness shows that even you know bennett's (and your) position is ghastly and indefensible.

You need a good, long think.


Mark said...

Hey Ding,

glad and sorry about this:

Delia Christina said...

well, the Manager's Amendment is still up for grabs. this version passed the House, but now that it's in the Senate it needs to go to conference - once there, we're going to try and get this part cut out.

so it's still important to keep up the pressure!!

Orange said...

"We could abort every white baby and wipe out country music within two generations."

Anonymous said...


Like, um..if you abort every white baby, you won't HAVE two generations.

I won't miss country music tho...

sum white guy

Orange said...

The existing white people who like country music would still have to die off, sum white guy...