Thursday, April 28, 2005

fear not, little one

don't be afraid of the word 'anarcha-feminist.' really. it's not going to walk into your neighborhood and scratch up your saab.

this is a great (if wordy) article looking at the ways race and class intersect with reproductive autonomy - and raises questions about the basic assumptions we have re: who should have the right to have children and who shouldn't.

it gave me pause and made me begin to look at my attitudes toward my own community, particularly why i'm so impatient for black women to use birth control. it's good stuff. wordy, but good.

[via black feminism]

1 comment:

bitchphd said...

Yes, I liked that one too. There were a couple of connections that I found a bit strained, and I think that Margaret Sanger took more of a beating than she should have (but then I'll fight to the death for Margaret Sanger), but still, a good reminder that the issue is much more complicated historically than we often remember.

Did you see the comments to this post? Anna of Cairo was making very similar points w/r/t the way women overseas sometimes view American support for birth control in other countries.