Friday, January 07, 2005

men to women: 'all your eggs are in MY basket'

follow the links. i'm too angry to do it. via Bitch. Ph.D.

so some wanker in the virginia legislature wants to make it illegal for a woman to miscarry in PRIVATE.

when you think men can't sink any lower or get any stupider they always find a way to surprise the hell out of you. i'd like these men to just come out and say what they're really thinking: hey, ladies, fuck you!


bitchphd said...

This'll make you feel better (it did me): the folks over at Kos are talking about mailing Cosgrove their used tampons and pads every month. Or at least calling him to let them know they've menstruated, and if he wants to come check out the remains for evidence of a "possible fetal death" he's welcome to do so.

Delia Christina said...

heh. i read that and laughed my ass off. i'm totally down with that.