Thursday, June 29, 2006

What Happens When There Is No Plan B?

did anybody see this??
where was i when this came out?

below is a story about real-life consequences when Plan B isn't available to normal, everyday women. unbelievable.

who is still thinking that women shouldn't be able to retain *full* control of their reproductive lives??

Dana L. What Happens When There Is No Plan B?


Unknown said...

You are apparently unaware that Since (it was approved in 2000), approximately 500,000 American babies have been killed with RU-486. Perhaps you are also unaware that because of the assistance that Warren Buffett gave Planned Parenthood in bringing RU-486 to market, he will be known as the Dr. Mengele of philanthropy unless he repents. Lucky for you, has taken steps to remedy your ignorance. And if that's not news, I don't know what is!

Remember, egg + sperm = baby implies abortion = murder. Just like tree = wood frame house implies burning a log in your fireplace = arson. Get with the program!

Delia Christina said...

did anyone hear anything?
i thought i heard something.

but i guess not.
just a faint buzzing.
my mistake.

Unknown said...

Does this mean I went a little too far with the sarcasm? I mean, I've had some crazy wacko notions in my day, but has never shown up on my doorstep to write an article about them and then put that article on the front page of Maybe I just don't send faxes to the right people.

Delia Christina said...

pardon me, greg, i had mistaken you for a troll. mea culpa.

none of us are sending faxes to the right people. i wish i had the access the folks like falwell, dobson and every wingnutter had. i mean, i had a doozy of an idea this morning about crowning Bush the King of Simpletown and i think people could really get behind it.

think msnbc or cnn will be interested in that? no?

Unknown said...

The problem is that the news media like nice, neat packages. Generally, the wingnuts think that they know the answer, and the rest of us know that neither they nor we do. So who are you going to cover? The person who says "I have the answer and here it is in this nice sound bite," or the person who says "it's really not that simple...."

We all want the answer, and admitting that we'll never have it seems to be more than most people can (or care to) deal with these days. Unfortunately, choosing to ignore reality doesn't change reality. Many of us seem to be a little unclear on that point right now, but I expect that will change - reality always asserts itself in the end.

Delia Christina said...

reality *does* manage to assert itself - and rather brutally. i'm waiting for the day when all the chickens will come home to roost from the last 8 years.

it won't be pretty.