Wednesday, June 01, 2005

waxing turkish

ok ok. i know i vowed not to blog at my new job because i loved it so much. but it's the end of the day and this is the best story of best friends, hot wax, back hair and turkish masculinity that i've read - ever.


jp 吉平 said...


Sid said...

Should I be worried that I've seen a considerably hairier back? Er, and front? Because that wasn't nothin' compared to this guy I knew in college. He was a skinny Indian. The hair actually added the appearance of weight under his clothes, it was so thick.

Delia Christina said...

added weight. poor guy.

Delia Christina said...

if you read the update you find that he comes back when the hair grows back - in under a week. poor guy is gonna need something stronger than an avon product.