Monday, June 13, 2005


you're effing kidding me.

a week after my rather long and rambly musing on the lynching exhibit, the senate issues a cosmetic apology for not outlawing lynching earlier - well, except for 12 senators who shall remain nameless (thanks, procedural rabbit hole.)

our nation is amazing. really. look the other way while over 4700 black men, women and children get lynched and then, at a symbolic moment of reconciliation, show how begrudging you really are. nice.


Anonymous said...

Is it that our nation is amazing, OR is it the gulf between our national rhetoric and our national reality that's the real pants-wetter?

Non-whites get it worst by FAR, but if you aren't on the prescribed path or a member of the protected class, your road through life is much harder.

As for that gulf, I wonder how long 'til people wake up and realize that the hatred of Other is something we can't afford, and realize that it's SO bad as to require sincere, vigorous remediation?


Delia Christina said...

oh, the latter, definitely.

and how many of us live in that gap? the gap of race, gender, class and sexuality. if you're liminal, you're screwed.