Tuesday, July 10, 2007

details mag: the lads are gross

i'm at work so i'll be brief: yick.

if there are ever guys who lurk here, some simple words of advice:
it's never ok to 'demand' a sexual act. that just makes you a pig.
and liking a sexual act (not because it feels good and brings pleasure to both people) because it strokes your ego and hurts your partner just makes you a bigger pig.
and recognizing that you can only do it when your partner is loaded off her ass and can't (legally) give consent just makes you a date-raping pig (who rapes ass.)

sex is supposed to be a mutual thing, you know?
if i want to stick my thumb (or any other implement) up some guy's butt, i'll make sure he's ok with that.



Orange said...

I followed the link to the Details post, and was delighted with the tenor of the comments there. Who'd have thought there would be good comments? The woman who said it hurts but she enjoys it was even chastised for partaking of a painful act. And the word "rape" was mentioned, and "sociopath."

Horrible, horrible Details post, about horrible, horrible men, but decent comments thread.

Delia Christina said...

i think the good women of feministing and other places felt the pressing need to share their thoughts.

a slightly feminist swarm. about time.