Wednesday, June 20, 2007

it had to happen sooner or later, pt. 2

YOUR PRIVACY IS AN ILLUSION: Six creepy things I can learn about you - Valleywag

orange was kind enough to send me this helpful link about the ways people can follow your online breadcrumbs.

um, yeah. guess what i've been doing the past hour or so?


Orange said...

Have you Googled yourself already to see what pops up that needs de-breadcrumbing?

Delia Christina said...

yes - my name and all sorts of combination of naughty things. it's actually not that bad. of course, i don't know how to think like a stalker so...i could be missing something.

but i've erased myself from all online dating sites but one (heh), all social networking sites but one (it's work!) and i think that should do it for now. of course, my DAD has a great big honking picture of me on his website so, thanks Dad!

way to enable my stalking.

Anonymous said...

So you spent that hour stalking yourself--not checking up on other people? It could go either way, you know! (Or, of course, both/and; it doesn't have to be an either/or situation?) :)

Anonymous said...

nice. i google myself, including my maiden name and all that comes up is stuff for my sister exene. go figure.

Delia Christina said...

r: i don't have anyone to stalk...
well, i did. but i couldn't find anything, damn him.

but now i find myself sort of stalking B-. i know! why?? i don't know. it's the scab i just have to pick at. he's sending out these faint signals of something and i can't resist. will he round out my Summer 3? who knows. we're obsessed with each other.

jc: see, you need to create an online presence, create some scandal and *then* you'll be googleable. or start your own rock band.

that works, too.