Monday, June 04, 2007

anything you can do i can do better

a scene in one upmanship:

B-: nice pics on your profile.
Ding: don't look at my pics.
B-: i can look at your pics.
Ding: you make me tense.
B-: you're hostile.
Ding: what do you want?
B-: just thinking fondly of you.
Ding: you make me tense.
B-: you're the one who talked about me to my sister.
Ding: not me. i just blurted out our ex relationship during a
staff meeting.
B-: you're shallow and cruel.
Ding: whatever.
B-: i got promoted, live in a great apartment in uptown and am
no longer depressed. whaddya think of that?
Ding: i'm still great and i'm going to italy.

yeah, we're mature.


Atalanta said...

Is Uptown an improvement?

Delia Christina said...

since his apartment is no longer touching the border of wisconsin, i'd say yes.

but then that improvement gets canceled out by the fact he's still B-.