Sunday, November 07, 2004

totally depressed

t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | Worse Than 2000: Tuesday's Electoral Disaster

i've stayed away from my blog because, well, i've been crying all week. angry, anxious and depressed, i may have even reached the end of my tether at work. how have i been coping? valium. i'll know if i have a job at the end of monday or tuesday.

in the middle of writing about this election and why something serious needs to change within the progressive movement, i've decided that something needs to change with me, too. i've been hiding for the past four years behind a cushy job and a safe economic existence, not really risking anything for the things i care about. last week brought all of this to a head for me. do i want to lose my job? i'd rather not - i have a nice life and don't deal particularly well with sudden change.

but do i want to work for a firm that has nothing to do with my own political, intellectual identity and ideals? no. do i want to spend the rest of my good years being assistant to a wealthy woman whose needs don't enthrall me? not really.

so. here's to burning bridges, not fighting your texture and throwing yourself at the mercy of fate.

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