Friday, November 12, 2004

slowly my life goes back to normal.

now that i've made my decision to quit this job and find another, i'm really liking the people i'm working with! (strange.) i'm writing an article about how the left needs to concentrate on building a movement, rather than winning elections (which we don't seem to be very good at, grr grr). i'm going on a nerve cocktail thingy tonight. (interesting, haven't done that in a long while. and, slightly off topic, Dewey has been MIA for months! is he dead? who knows!) and i'm going to a comic book convention tomorrow. (oh-ho, the fun and extreme dorkiness that will be tomorrow afternoon!)

i'm also obsessed with 'regency house party'. i love these shows and this one is the best of all. it could even top 'colonial house' as fantasy fodder du jour.

(i keep waiting for 'slavery house' or 'antebellum house' just for the horrific psychological damage it could do to everyone involved, but i don't think it would be that fun to watch.)

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