Wednesday, August 18, 2004

jp tells a story

this is my friend jp's blog. the jade story is cool.

jp and i met in michigan. we were taking a german class together for the summer. both of us were going to be first years in our grad programs that september. and both of us were horrified by ann arbor (he's from seattle and i'm from los angeles) - no spanish, no good music, no brown people, these huge pats of butter, these accents that just grated on the ear, and no good ethnic food anywhere. horrified, i tell you. it was like living in a big bland vanilla bubble.

so we were joined by our mutual horror but stuck together because he was the funniest fucking guy in the summer program and was so laid back, it made our german teacher hubert (who i thought was totally cute, with his little bavarian afro) shake his head and laugh. jp would saunter in to class 45 minutes late wearing soccer shorts and a t-shirt and carrying only his german book. for an excuse, he'd say something like "i have to walk uphill to get here!"

we also stuck together because jp could cook like an old filipino woman. you don't get rid of friends who cook like old filipino women.

you also don't get rid of friends who go rollerblading with you at 2 am, who will go with you to find the coolest pieces of metal to sit on because it's so fucking hot outside and you just wanna cool your butt, who will make fun of latin declensions, can sing the woman's part from 'les miserables' or break spontaneously into dance on a street corner because he can.

so go read his story about jade in guatemala.

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