Wednesday, August 18, 2004

companionable silence

i found myself eating lunch at brehon's today with our receptionist and general office boy, R--. we sat at the bar, shared cigarettes and ate lunch while he did the crossword puzzle in the sun-times and i greedily wolfed down the last chapters of REVENGE by stephen fry.

(modern revenge tales are wonderful; this one is so well-done and delicious and wicked and cruel. i love it and wonder if there are some people upon whom i would like to inflict a swift and harsh punishment.

oh, carry lalabro...if only i knew where you lived, i'd make your life a bizarre hell.)

it's nice to sit at a bar with a person you know and not feel the need to chat. it's just me, the book, the extra bacon in my salad, and the scratchy curls of cigarette smoke.

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