Wednesday, January 10, 2007

ding dong, the B- is gone!

how do you tell a boy it's over after he's called you too crazy for friendship, too cool for love and too uptight (because you have a crazy busy work/social schedule) for everything else and then demanded you drop everything you had scheduled that night in order to prove you're not?

you tell him like this:
From: ding
To: B-

"busy" means 'uptight'?
whatever, b-. busy means that i have a full work and social life and enjoy it.
and i have to prove something to you? are you kidding?

i was willing to give the friendship thing a try but it's patently obvious that friendship between us will never be possible. (i'm too crazy for friendship? ha! that's called projection. when it's so clear that two people don't get along and aren't right for each other, it's pointless to argue back and forth about who or what's at fault.
but rest assured i could make a list. a long one.)

and since it's clear we've entered the Active Dislike phase of our association, and we can't even get the basics down, i think we've done this long enough. (in total, we've been going back and forth like this since 2002. too long without progress!)

so. in the interest of our mental health for 2007, let's drop the hammer on the two of us and vow never to contact the other ever again. i mean it. i don't want to open my inbox and see another email from you asking how i am. chances are, i'll be great.

in fact, i just deleted you from my mobile.

bye, b-. i'm late for a meeting.


Orange said...


I'll bet you feel a lot lighter now, jettisoning all that dead weight.

Anonymous said...

how ARE you feeling? did you have to delete his phone number really fast before you changed your mind? or did you just get to the point that it was a release?

you need a fella that will inspire you in your christian faith and life pursuits.

if i could clone my husband i'd be a gazillion billion macmillen zillon chillianaire

Delia Christina said...

i'm feeling great.
if being with a guy doesn't make you feel great then why be with him? if it doesn't make you excited, happy or even make you feel like you're having fun then what's the point?

no more anxiety; no more scurrying up to buck-ass rogers park (charming as it is) and no more misfiring conversations with a guy who never failed to put me in a bad mood.

jc, you may be right but right now i'd settle for a guy who didn't piss me off.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is GREAT! Sitting in front of my computer, at job, I was searching the web for a translation of an english word called "screed" - a Caterpillar product when I ended up in this page finding...Freud!!!

Before I leave I just have to say:

Why use 200 words and 20 lines to tell someone good bye.......????


Vera, living in Gothenburg, Sweden
(and still not a clu of how to translate screed....!)