Monday, August 28, 2006

no wonder the good die young

while we were waiting for our flight to minneapolis, me and the girls caught up. it was my turn and i sighed over my snack wrap and said, 'being good is boring.'

and it's true. i've had about the goodest summer EVER and i'm libidinally bored out of my mind.
nothing has happened this entire summer and i'm pissed.

the highlight of my day saturday was the church garden picnic, which was really good, and then the walk i took down to the dvd store. lame.

(though not as lame as 'matchpoint'. watching rhys-davies and scarlett johannsen pretend to be thinking, scheming adults was so painful i had to do laundry to distract myself.)

why can't being good have the same frisson as being slightly naughty?



Does that mean I'll live


Stay on Groovin' Safari,

Anonymous said...

I was sorry to hear about your friend's mom. Glad you're back. I think being good is no fun often because it's so often caught up in being dutiful--to your health, family, job, ideals, social expectations, whatever. Being "bad" on the other hand, or even just "slightly naughty" is most fun because of the rebellious, ha ha I'm being bad (ie: not doing as I'm told/as I've told myself) aspect. This is why bars are most fun in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week.
Especially if you've always been "good" in whatever way that's been defined.

Delia Christina said...

it's like those christian romance novels. they stick to the demands of the genre but the romance and torridness have been replaced with goodness and it's just blech.

like powdered milk.

and of course bars are more fun in the middle of the day!

Orange said...

Hey! I just had a half-price margarita this afternoon. Naughty! But it was with my mom. I think that de-naughties it, doesn't it?

Delia Christina said...

hm, that's a hard one.

and the 'rita was half-price, so it's frugal which = good.

so it's more good than naughty. sorry!

Anonymous said...

Heavens! Jeremy Bentham's got nothing on you.

Delia Christina said...

ah, i wish!

(personally, i think bentham's auto icon is exactly how my dad would like to be displayed - preserved in a wooden box, presiding over meetings...)

Anonymous said...

being good CAN have that same frisson, if one amends one's notion of what "being good" means.

why does having fun sex have to be opposed to "being good?" what if you have sex, it's a positive experience, then you have that rosey glow of benevolence weeks thereafter?

idn't THAT "being good?"


Delia Christina said...

but don't you think there is a platonic ideal of Good out there, floating?

i want the rosey glow! i want the glow! but i don't want the ickiness that sometimes comes with the glow.