Wednesday, August 09, 2006

rather proud of this one

it's my alter-ego, ChurchGal, on joe francis, those soldiers accused of raping/killing a 14 yr old girl in iraq and what they have in common.


Anonymous said...

Brava! Any particular reason it's there, rather than here? It's really good. I really want to think more about the nation making part of the equation--especially as they're so often built on the bodies of the subaltern (women symbolically, natives historically) Any thoughts?

Delia Christina said...

crap. i just wrote a whole thing and i lost it.

it's been a while since i've read post-colonial theory but in my head it seems that in order to create an environment conducive to nation building (which our culture makes a masculine act) then it's necessary to make the enterprise a sexually gendered one. if not, then the enterprise is exposed for what it is: stark, brute force.

but if we make the land and the people Other - specifically feminine - then at the end of the enterprise, we've naturalized the whole thing: of course we penetrated and invaded, of course they surrendered; we are men.

(and i'm thinking about the firshand accounts during the moments of 'first contact' with the New World, the journals from those who wrote of our nation's push westward, the newspapers and songs during the height of the British empire - it's all about the dick.)