Thursday, March 16, 2006

rough morning? yeah. you could say that.

You know when you're in bed and you've just gotten to a point in your dream cycle, and the bed is so toasty, that you feel that there could almost be another person in there with you and you go, 'Mmmm' and then you snuggle under the covers more and wipe the drool? Yeah, I was totally IN that place when I drowsily checked the time on my cell phone.

7.42!?! Motherfucker!
I have a Board meeting in 20 minutes! Shit!

Within 10 minutes, I pulled on fishnets, my brown wraparound dress, the cute brown/white jacket, my slingbacks, shook my hair around, put in earrings, scrubbed on deodorant, sprayed perfume, brushed teeth, grabbed cab fare from roomie and crashed downstairs to hail a cab, rushed to the office, after babbling to my bosses "I'm coming! I don't know what happened! I'm coming! Pick up the catering downstairs!" and ran into the Board meeting.

Where I immediately began to cough like Typhoid Mary and had to stagger *out* of the meeting, feeling my whole torso contract and my little Instead cup totally dislodge because I coughed so hard. Damn! So now I have to fix my feminary situation.

(Note to self: being on period while coughing up phlegm is nasty. Both ends, dude, both ends!!)

But there's no time! The Board meeting must go on and who will know what happened with capacity building if I'm not there to take notes? The meeting will drop into the memory hole of forever and the Agency will collapse from the weight of its amnesia. I can't let that happen.

So, sitting off to the side, I slip out my bottle of Robitussin, unscrew the cap (fuck that little plastic cup), and suck down a huge gulp. From the Board table, where they're giving me the fish eye, I'm sure I looked like an inappropriate drunkard.

Welcome to Thursday, everybody.


Sid said...

Ouch. Dang, whoa, ick and ouch.

Hope it's ending better than it began for ya. Also, I'm coming back to town. Again. For whiskyfest. Let me know if you've got a free minute round the end of the month!

Delia Christina said...
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Delia Christina said...

a festival of whiskey in chicago?
and i didn't know??

you got my number - gimme a ring and we'll get together. this time, i won't flake out!

Anonymous said...

wow. i mean. . .wow.

Delia Christina said...

yeah. thursday was a tough one. i felt like i'd been run over by a truck all day.

(and how bizarre to find you over here, jesus chick. it's freaking me out.)

Anonymous said...

be afraid. a double dose of me might send you over the edge ;)