Thursday, October 27, 2005

poor harriet: wrong (straw) man for the job

Now that the burden of this woman has been lifted from the administration, how much you wanna bet a man, a very scary man – even scarier than poor mediocre harriet – will pop up and get the post, thus unifying the right, terrifying the left and basically screwing all of Creation in the process?

Hm? Any takers? Any?


Anonymous said...

I admit that I am disturbed by the spin - that she was pulled not because she was unqualified, but rather because the Shrub went against his core constituency and their single-minded need to overthrow Roe. I fear the spin is setting up a pander to said core constituency.

Delia Christina said...

oh-ho, the pander is going to be huge. they'll nominate some freaking federalist/dominionist dinosaur who thinks 1845 is a pretty good year to emulate and we're all screwed.

some people think we libruls are just a bunch of cynical bastards. no, we just imagine the worst case scenario and sit back and watch the other side play it out. aagh.