Thursday, June 07, 2007

the plan's the thing

the summer of love* has kicked off with a bang. lest you worry that this means that ding will shoot off into all sorts of random trouble, fear not. ding has a plan. sort of.

rather, ding has a goal: 3 boys to be kept in rotation over the summer. the 3 boys would be for different things (the romping boy, the hang out boy and the...extra if any of the other two get broken.) it's ambitious but what else is summer for than to make up for all the 'nose to the grindstone' work that defined the rest of the year?

i figure, 1 per week, 3 weeks a month (1 week off for menstrual issues), and the whole 'dating' thing is taken care of. see?

besides, i bought all these cute tops at F&T and need a reason to wear them.

[*summer of love=the name given to the summer by a co-worker who, despite her own prettiness and kick assedness, despairs of finding a boy and so uses this as a way to inspire her self to action - even though all she has to do is snap her fingers and the boys magically appear.]


liza said...

FUN. You definitely need a new bed. I myself love love love having a king size bed. You can sleep with someone comfortably in the summer: close enough to go visit, but enough room to do fidget and flail without kicking him, or having to do the "eh, you're hot, we can hold pinkies, but no snuggling" thing. Nice new linens for sure.

Plan or no plan, I have to say it sounds like a setup for a cheesy romantic comedy. Not that it's a bad thing...

Delia Christina said...

my plans always fall through. but it's a nice concept, huh? it's been one of random, 'things to try this summer' things. but back then i was naive to think that the perfect number was 5.

sigh. let's see if i can get a consistent 1.

and didn't you know? i am a cheesy rom com.

Anonymous said...

What *is* it with spring, man? I'm dabbling in potential trouble myself.

SiddityintheCity said...

heyheyhey, you can have cocktails with meee during your off week! It won't interfere with your boys!

And if that off week happens to coincide with tomorrow or sunday afternoon, so be it.

Delia Christina said...

this is what it is with spring:
after an interminable winter we've finally exfoliated so our skin is soft and touchable, our hair is out and bouncy, the sun is warm on our face and we can show off our pedicures. when the toes are free, so are our libidos.

we want attention because we look frakking cute, man.

Delia Christina said...

sid, i'm poor this weekend but how about next weekend? drinks up in my old boystown haunts would be great.

Delia Christina said...

i just remembered my dad is in town.

we'll never have a drink!

Anonymous said...

1. i've always wanted a round bed. not sure why. i'd probably fall off.
2. summer rocks!
3. the boy/sex thing. . . ? ? ? yeah. . here i am raining on your parade. . .

Delia Christina said...

jc: you could never rain on my parade! never!

and the bed thing. i'm so looking forward to a grown up bed i could pee.

Anonymous said...

what kind of bed do you have now?

SiddityintheCity said...

eh, someday we'll have drinks.

Please. Dont pee in the grown up bed.
That would ruin it ALL.

Delia Christina said...

currently, my bed is a crappy futon with a dented mattress. so uncomfortable. whoever's in it rolls to the middle.

thanks to the kindness of strangers this bed situation just might turn around very soon!