Friday, June 15, 2007

compromised or, it was only a matter of time

one day, the skeins of my online life were going to cross. one day, i was going to underestimate the intrepid skillz of a man who had a lot of time on his hands and an uncanny knack to piss me off. one day, myspace was going to make me rue the day...blah blah blah.

the thing is, i don't use myspace for anything. it is a placeholder. and now it's connected to my work blog (yikes) and even though i've since made it private, so that no one can see it unless i've made them my friend, it's kinda been breached.

oh! and we were just talking about this today during a meeting - what happens when someone comes across your blog that you never intended to, in the first place. aaargh!

so, yeah. i check my myspace acct tonight and B- sent me a message there, inviting me to a show last week. of *course* he's on myspace! and of course he can find me - i used my real name!! my freak out isn't because i'm 'hiding' from him; that's not the issue. i just don't want to leave any crumbs that might lead back here, to Screed.

(because if he saw this? lord jesus. just look for my body in the chicago river.)

now i have to go back and scrub my myspace page and then try to make sure there's no trail to follow. (if he figures out Real Name=ding=Screed then i'm totally screwed. this blog is #2 when you google 'screed'! i mean, yay, but frak!)


Orange said...

My sister Googled specific things about me and found my pseudonymous blog. She was pissed because I wouldn't give her the URL and she'll be damned if she'll let me bos sher around. So she found it...and discovered wow, we have a lot of differences of opinion and don't see the world the same way! (Duh. Exactly why I didn't give my relatives the URL.) She's got an underlying paranoia that something stupid that she says will end up on the blog, but...the blog isn't about her or our relatives.

Remember that if your myspace friends have blogs that might link you, or sites where you've commented, they could inadvertently tip off a nosy person.

jp 吉平 said...

Have you considered dropping B minus entirely from your life?

Maybe it's cold, but then you wouldn't have to deal with myspace...

Delia Christina said...

well, he's sort of not in my life. he's just hanging out on the fringes, popping up now and then. i don't try to understand our connection anymore. we're like children throwing erasers at each other.

there's one old friend out there who uses my name and this blog in a link and it shows up on google; nothing i can really do about that. there was also one post a long time ago where i inadvertently posted my own name - i cleaned that. i've removed any mention on B- on my myspace blog (which is really just excerpts of this one) and i have my fingers crossed that myspace is as far as he'll get.

i'd really hate to make Screed and ChurchGal private or 'friends' only.

liza said...

Being all brand new to this whole blogging thing means I haven't really thought of the larger repurcussions of it. Even though I'm not using my whole name, I haven't committed to the pseudonymous aspect of this, (is it worth it, etc) But then I've been careful not to be snarky about recent stories in the news about the pope and excommunication for supporting reproductive rights...(what if my mom reads it because one of my sisters talks about it)
On the other hand, what's the worst that can happen? B- won't talk to you anymore?

Delia Christina said...

having my dad read my other blog once made me nervous; but no more. he respects my privacy and reads it every week as a way to keep up with what i'm doing and feeling. (though i'm sure that knowing he's a reader has made some influence on how i write about certain things, like sex. for instance, i'm much more free in this space than i'd be over on churchgal.)

re: B-. hm. yeah, i guess that would be the worst thing. him not sending me letters from the underground anymore.
