Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Believe it or not, I have another wedding on Friday!
What is going on??


Orange said...

IT'S A SIGN. These things go in threes. You're next.

Liza said...

Orange beat me to it.

Joy said...

just promise us that if it is looking like marriage for you and M, you won't refuse just to spite your blog readers!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I hope she realize that dating sucks and being marry to the person youlove and love being with all the time can only mean one thing... can anyony say long term commitment?

Delia Christina said...

anonymous, i know you've been reading for a while and you still don't know me very well: i don't do what i don't enjoy. (unless some other need is being met.)

so, since i'm dating, let's all just assume i'm finding it enjoyable - and want it to continue for a while.

the ONLY way i will find myself marrying is kicking and screaming all the way.

Anonymous said...

hehehhehee ;) okay, whatever you say.