Saturday, August 18, 2007

this just in...

More Black Women Consider 'Dating Out' -

this is news??


bint alshamsa said...

Not to me it isn't! They must have needed a "space filler" for that edition.

SiddityintheCity said...

Since when is Shar Jackson one of "our" favorite stars?

Is this news? I'd say no. BUT I do have to admit to having a circle of black female friends who think like me, so I wonder if I'm not just insulated against more common thinking. I have encountered black women in their late 30s who are still of the "black men only need apply" mindset.

But really, I just think this article is superflufficial.

I'm mad Dionne Walker thought of it before me, and got paid to write it. I could have written that in my sleep. Damnit. I need to pitch more.

Delia Christina said...

other brown girl fluffilicious stories:

"more black women think of becoming homeowners"
"some black women like going to bars"
"black women sometimes don't have children"
"news alert: black women not a monolithic block!"