Monday, April 30, 2007

rediscovering home

it's a long, crazy-making story but i'm flying home this weekend to see my dad and pow wow with my sister about his weird decision making skills and the apparently done deal to sell our childhood home and move into a depressing and decidedly 'unhip' retirement community where the words MOBILE HOME PARK are prominently displayed.

i'll be flying into LAX in the afternoon and have decided to embrace being carless in los angeles. it's a scary thought, but it can be done, right? i mean, if you can be carless in Paris, then you sure as hell should be able to be carless in LA.

(incidentally, LA has the second largest public transportation system with subways, buses and a light rail in the nation.)

since i'm all about the research and not getting lost while traveling, i've been on this site: it's wonderful. from here, i can plan my bus trip from the airport to my sister's house or to my old high school where she teaches or i can look for some 'adventures' to have while in LA and feel jet set and cosmopolitan.

(the Wilshire Blvd and the Downtown LA adventures look neat.)


SiddityintheCity said...

Hey! Good luck with that. Having a "what the hell is going on in your head" conversation with your parents is scary--or is to me. I realized I was really grown up when we started. I'm already stressing over their retirement with my shrink, too.


Delia Christina said...

it's also daunting to know that one's parent is only doing what they think is best in order to minimize the impact of their death on the rest of the family but the rest of us are like, 'dude, you're only 63! why do you wanna live next to dying people??'

i am also grappling with feelings of guilt. is this what parenting feels like? cuz it sucks.