Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i couldn't do it

Eric Zorn, loathe as i am to admit it, expresses what happened to me in the voting booth this mornng.

though i liked rich whitney a lot (flaming ex-socialist that he is), i just couldn't do it. i couldn't vote for him. i actually stood in that steaming hot polling room and felt my hair curl as i debated with myself to vote for rod (gag) or vote for whitney, thereby putting topinka (gag) one step closer to the governor's mansion. and so i couldn't do it.

these days, voting is like a scene in sophie's choice, you know?


Trope said...

Yes, yes, yes. I felt the same way, and then held my nose and voted for G-Rod. (According to where I work, I should be one of Rod's last 215 votes in the state, but I almost wasn't.) I'm thrilled, though, to see Whitney running at 10% the last time I checked the polls.

Delia Christina said...

so am i.
perhaps now would be a great time to start moving Green and Independent candidates up the chain and into more public offices so that there isn't some awful last minute choice we have to make at the polls the next time around.