Wednesday, February 16, 2005

the road called my uterus

crapity crap crap.

says our fearless leader, harry reid:

He acknowledged some complaints from abortion rights groups about the party's shifting rhetoric. "They have to keep their folks geared up, just like people who work for more highways," Mr. Reid said. "That is what they do, just like the pro-life groups." [emphasis mine]

uh, no, mr. reid.

abortion rights, reproductive rights and all aren't like lobbies who work for more highways. dr. b rightfully points attention to the fact that everyone is gaming this argument; there's no woman at the center of it. it's all like a game of risk to everyone, only set on my uterus. the right likes to look at the fetus; the left looks at the donor base. where's the woman for whom this matters?

to borrow reid's analogy, our fight for autonomy is no different than fighting for a road.


bitchphd said...

Yeah, that "road" thing really got to me too. Like abortion is a form of pork-barrel politics. "I'll trade you a military base for the right to abortion." "Ok, deal."


Anonymous said...

Professor's remarks (below) sum it up nicely. Meanwhile, we are all fragmented and kept nicely pissed of an scared while these work the country like a foosball table. They seemed to have backed off of the "extra-marital affair" thing...yes, gays and abortion will do nicely as distractions as the treasury is drained, and the middle east is parcelled out to the "base."


Yeah, that "road" thing really got to me too. Like abortion is a form of pork-barrel politics. "I'll trade you a military base for the right to abortion." "Ok, deal."

Delia Christina said...

what extra-marital affair thing??
huh? wha--?

Anonymous said...

sorry..I was vague with that. extra-marital thing as in: "Look! That (insert official) is cheating, getting his hat blocked, etc" as a smokescreen to distract us all from the REAL nefarity such as is going on in the middle east, with SS, and on and on.

Also, sorry for the bad spelling and grammar of my previous post...I just whipped it out.


Delia Christina said...

exactly. it's all a magic game to them - look over here so you won't see how we're turning your country into crap and ruining life for your kids!

i don't think i've ever been so glad to be childless as i am now.