Thursday, September 09, 2004

so last night i was so exhausted by work, i had the mother of all dreams:

i had just graduated from some university in new york. i was young, eager and apparently couldn't wait to work in a big soulless corporation. and that's how i land a job with dick cheney in a more evil halliburton.

it's so bad, there i am in an orientation meeting, looking at a film of how much ore, coal, oil, and stuff they've ripped out the earth and the other new people are salivating at the opportunity to join in this ripping. i just think all the mugs and pens and patagonia-wear are tacky and bulky.

so i'm working directly for cheney and he takes his whole staff to a corporate junket at one of the big mining facilities. it's a hellish building built over a great big hole in the ground and there are gears and cranes and smoke and flames - you know that scene in Two Towers and the bad wizard tears down the trees to make the Orcs and the weapons? that's that this looks like; there are all these men and women in suits drinking wine while the screaming and the smoke billows out the hole and cheney is giving a speech while demonstrating how to disembowel the earth. i'm sickened.

and then barack obama, dressed in a demure pink tweed chanel suit, gets up and shares how he hates being a republican and just wants to do good things for people.

outraged, my dream self quits her job instantly.

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