Tuesday, September 14, 2004

another one bites the dust

The Blue Lemur - Progressive Politics and Media News � Outing site implies Rep. Dreier is gay

this latest leads to a question about 'outing', which has become an interesting political tool.

using my yay/boo thing: yay, there's the unveiling of hypocrisy within the republican party. yay, there's the universe balancing itself out when a republican goes down in the muck of scandal.

then there's the boo: boo, it still implies that homosexuality is something outrageous to be pointed at, that it IS scandal. boo, it's icky. boo, it means that a politician's private life will forever be more important than real issues.

however, when one has voted for certain policies that will have a detrimental affect on a sizeable portion of the population, then one's private life (that contradicts one's public life) becomes material, right?

AND, when we add up all the lies bruited about by the republicans in the past 12 years, i think a little karmic payback is due.

but still, it's complicated.

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