Tuesday, October 05, 2004


word to the wise:
tearing down the paranoiac ravings of a christian fundamentalist who has it in for hegel is not a good way to spend the work day. especially when there's work to do.

but, for fun, go here and see what he has to say about the evils of consensus building.

sigh. my dad knows weird people.


Anonymous said...

Profound and wise warnings to be knowledgable about 'Diaprax' and how to avoid being brainwashed in todays world! Cling to scripture!!

Anonymous said...

My friend ding, you either must not have read it or not paid attention! If you have a problem with it, please, send Dean Gotcher a consistent argument against it, and post that debate here.

Call me biased if you want, but you won't poke any holes in his diaprax material because frankly, it's airtight.

Delia Christina said...

it was an offline conversation that was referenced and it was four years ago.

the moment has passed.