Monday, August 25, 2008

DNC08! Who's covering what?

You may or may not know that I now write for Bitch, PhD. Well, my sister Bitches got press credentials for the convention (I coulda been there with them but, eh, my travel schedule didn't work out.) But they have a plan for covering this historic convention and they're sticking with it! Check in with them for juicy tidbits, their trademark biting academic snark and for critical thinking skills that turn stupidity into wet toilet paper. (Did that make sense?)

Jack & Jill Politics - they are one of a 'could have been bigger' coterie of bloggers of color credentialed for the convention and they have a really neat convention coverage page. Get all your brown political coverage here - with additional links to other bloggers of color at the convention, too.

So far, this is where I'm going for my convention information.

Drop links if you have other sources!

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