Tuesday, April 26, 2005

i don't get it.

venezuela is a sovereign country.
their president was democratically elected.
his recall was overwhelmingly rejected by the citizens.

what's the problem here?

updated: oh. now i get it.


Anonymous said...

…and up through the ground came a bubblin' crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.

A good movie to watch is "the revolution will not be televised"

Among other things, shows clearly how camera angles and journalistic...."license" can be used to not merely report the news, but to create the news.

Why report what's happened, when you can make the happenings go the way you want them to?


Delia Christina said...

our nation's two-faced mendacity amazes me, sometimes. other times, it's so obvious to me i wonder why we all can't see it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and ironically (I guess) it's that kinda malarkey I think some people think of when they raise a teary-eyed glass of corporate beer to that which "makes this country great!"



Delia Christina said...

sooner or later, everyone's true colors start to show.