Monday, January 17, 2005

greenfairydotcom: Back brush step, heel drop

(in between posts, i swear i'm doing work.)

but this post from green fairy reminded me of another gender war conversation i had with my father saturday afternoon, while i was shopping for dinner things after the movie. i was standing in the abandoned aisles between chips and dip when i felt the urge to call my sister and wish my niece a happy birthday. (i tried not to feel hurt that she yelled 'thanks, tita - bye!') so one of the endless in-laws passed me to dad.

dad: so, how did it go?
me: what?
dad: the date? the doctor? how'd it go?
me: oh. that. it didn't go.
dad: oh, ding. what did you do?
me: why does it have to be me? he was boring! nice guy but really boring!
dad: you're never going to find a man --
me: (groan)
dad: --if you don't learn how to soften up. you know, be...softer. act weaker. be a lady.
me: god, dad. HE was boring. i was perfect.
dad: that's what i mean. you have to bring him to your level.
me: (now standing in front of the butcher) i don't want to bring anyone to my level. three tilapia, please. i want someone who's already there.
dad: your mother ruined you. she never showed you how to be a lady.
me: you married her.
dad: we ruined you.
me: i discovered i'm quirkyalone.
dad: you crazy.
me: i gotta go, dad. i'm cooking dinner for a guy i'm not dating.
dad: love you.
me: me too.

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